
Avent is the most popular reporter format and supports both BDD and non-BDD test styles.


Avent generates the following views:

  • Test
  • Tag
  • Bug
  • Dashboard
Test BDD
Test Standard



Start and attach Avent using attachReporter:

// directory where output is to be printed
var avent = new ExtentAventReporter("user/build/name/");
var extent = new ExtentReports();


A few shortcuts are available to speed up common tasks.

p - show passed tests
e - show error tests
f - show failed tests
s - show skipped tests
w - show warning tests
esc - clear filters
down-arrow - scroll down
up-arrow - scroll up
l - switch theme

Automatic Screenshot Management

To automatically create relative paths from the report, use configuration:

avent.Config.AutoCreateRelativePathMedia = true;

This configuration will copy the media-file to a directory relative to the file without you having to manually provide path that works relative to the report.

// initialize
var avent = new ExtentAventReporter("user/build/name/");
avent.Config.AutoCreateRelativePathMedia = true;

// provide the path of the image and it will be automatically referenced
// in the markup relative to the report
test1.Fail("details", MediaEntityBuilder.CreateScreenCaptureFromPath("1.png").Build());
test2.Fail("details", MediaEntityBuilder.CreateScreenCaptureFromPath("2.png").Build());

The above 2 screenshots will automatically be saved as and added to the report. This will allow you to move the screenshots along with the report without any side-affects, such breaking the report or failure to load screenshots on load.

+-- index.html
+-- exception.html
+-- tag.html
+-- test.html
+-- extent-media.0
|   +-- 1.png
|   +-- 2.png
+-- extent-media.1
|   +-- 1.png
|   +-- 2.png

When the build executes in the same location the first time, extent-media.0 will be created. If the report is created in the same location extent-media.1 will be created next. These directories will not be removed by Extent automatically.


Avent supports a host of configuration via XML and Csharp.


To load configuration via XML, use LoadConfig().

// using the file path

The below XML configuration is available to Avent.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <!-- report theme -->
        <!-- standard, dark -->
        <!-- viewstyle -->
        <!-- alt-view -->

        <!-- document encoding -->
        <!-- defaults to UTF-8 -->
        <!-- offline report -->
        <!-- enable or disable timeline on dashboard -->
        <!-- title of the document -->
        <documentTitle>Extent Framework</documentTitle>
        <!-- report name - displayed at top-nav -->
        <reportName>Build 1</reportName>

		<!-- timestamp format -->
		<timeStampFormat>MMM dd, yyyy HH:mm:ss</timeStampFormat>
        <!-- custom javascript -->
                $(document).ready(function() {
        <!-- custom styles -->


It is also possible to configure the reporter directly from code:

avent.Config.EnableTimeline = true;
avent.Config.EnableOfflineMode = true;
avent.Config.AutoCreateRelativePathMedia = true;
avent.Config.CSS = "";
avent.Config.DocumentTitle = ""
avent.Config.Encoding = "utf-8";
avent.Config.JS = "";
avent.Config.ReportName = "";
avent.Config.Theme = Theme.Dark;